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What Prompted this Lawyer to Dedicate His Career to Family & Fertility Law

In this episode of the Australian Family and Fertility Law Podcast, we turn the spotlight on Accredited Family Law Specialist and Multi-Award Winning Lawyer, Stephen Page.

The Cost of Surrogacy in Australia

In this video, Accredited Family Law Specialist and Page Provan Director Stephen Page approximates the cost of Surrogacy in Australia.

When not if: Surrogacy for Australia

Surrogacy is the most complex way to become parents. Who would ever want to go down such a seemingly difficult path, if they didn’t have to? Surrogacy involves a battery of doctors, counsellors and lawyers, followed often by being recognised by a judge that you are the parents. Except for those undergoing adoption, no one… Read More »When not if: Surrogacy for Australia

Getting Married and Having a Child Should Not Be so Hard

Life is grand. I am the luckiest man to live. Due to changes in the law, I have been allowed to marry- and to have a child with the person I love. While getting married and having a child seem self-evident truths, for LGBTIQ+ couples the law (and until 40 years ago, for reproduction, biology)… Read More »Getting Married and Having a Child Should Not Be so Hard